Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Map That Leads to Your Dreams

Growing up I constantly purchased magazines, mostly Seventeen and Teen Vogue. I became obsessed with fashion and dreamed of attending fashion shows around the world. Rubbing elbows with the fashion industry elites.

I still have these dreams, but as I grew up those dreams became slightly tweaked. The path that I mapped out is not being followed and I have felt like giving up. I'm here to tell you... DO NOT GIVE UP. My husband is my #1 fan and can really get my butt moving when I want to give up.

Every time a fashion week comes around I question by decisions that got me where I am today.

- Should I have attended Kutztown to make my mother happy?

- Why didn't I transfer from Kutztown second semester freshmen year to pursue my desired major?

- Why didn't I transfer second semester sophomore year, instead of going into a major I was questionable about?

I'll tell you why. I loved Kutztown too much to leave. I made friends and knew that I would miss them dearly, but I look back and am thankful. Thankful that I stayed there and dated my now husband second semester. I always found more excuses to stay at Kutztown versus transferring. 

For two years after I graduated Kutztown, I worked in the social work field. I found it extremely rewarding, but I knew I would never be satisfied due to not following my  dreams. 

My husband and I made an agreement. We agreed to never live our lives as people who "wished they had." 
Now, I'm back in retail and I am interning for a swimwear designer. Interning. For a swimwear designer. In Los Angeles.

It took six years to get to this point, but I am extremely thankful. Thank you to all my readers for your continuing support.

Comment below what goals or dreams you still want to take on.

Remember to never stop dreaming! 

(Hello Hollywood Sign!)

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